Whether you’re shivering through a cold snap or just dealing with the shorter days, the changing season is going to have an effect on your skin. Vi’s made it easy though; by listing out all her tips to winter-proof your face. So, ready for Vi's tips to keep that face plump and hydrated?!
Upgrade your routine
Our skin can dry out a little during winter, so find ways to boost the hydrating levels in your routine. Try adding in a hyaluronic acid serum, or switching your SKINSCREEN™ to Supreme Screen for an extra moisture boost thanks to all those skin-sweetening ingredients.
Drink more water
You hear it said all the time because it's true. Your skin is 64% water and it needs that H20 to function. So drink up.
Hydrating mist
Maybe you need a little pick me up after running in and out of heating all day. Maybe you need a hydration hit before hitting those mulled wines after work. Either way, a hydrating mist is a fab thing to keep handy.
Don't obliterate your face by washing it in the shower
It's winter. It's cold. I get it. But try to avoid washing your sweet little future-proofed face in the shower. It's too hot for your skin and it will irritate your barrier.
SPF is a non-negotiable (even in winter)
You should be wearing your sunscreen every damn day and that doesn't change just because the temperature has dropped. You're still exposed to UV rays, even when there's cloud coverage or you're indoors. So is SPF in the winter really necessary? Absolutely.
FUN FACT: All our SKINSCREENS™ contain hydration boosting ingredients like pentavitin, kakadu plum, aloe vera and glycerin making them cold weather saviors.
So... ready to winter-proof your skin?