Tell me about Preen Screen™ SPF50! What need were you trying to meet?
Preen Screen™ SPF50 is solving that problem when you’re desperate for a midday coffee and you haven’t reapplied since you left ...
Meet Sophia Pafitis. A Melbourne based MUA with over 11 years of experience under her belt in editorial, commercial fashion/beauty and bridal; working with the likes of Frank Body, Soda Shades, Ado...
SPF is an essential. Just ask any doctor, derm, or that one overachieving friend that always reminds you to reapply. But sometimes you just want to feel more comfortable in your skin and you're lo...
If you're new to future proofing your face, then perhaps you haven't heard of Michelle Wong from Lab Muffin Beauty Science.
She's a skincare Queen with a PhD in chemistry, which she generously u...
So, to start, let’s get into what a UV filter is. Just like a queen to her crown, UV filters are what makes our skinscreens, SPFs. They’re the active ingredients responsible for doing all the hard ...
You must be here because you hear the news. We’ve just welcomed our fourth facial skinscreen into the fam. Exciting! But also confusing. Now there’s another A+ skin sweetening formula to choose fr...
Let Vi help you decide which future-proofing formula will be your new favourite.
Your typical morning skincare POV would look like…a) Charlotte, because it’s sensitive and kinda judgey about the ...
Sunscreen, we now know, is integral to protecting ourselves from melanoma. It’s also integral if you want to maintain great skin, which isn’t the primary reason you should be using it daily (Hello...
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ultra violette spf
Future proof your face (and bod) with Ultra Violette sunscreen. Or SKINSCREEN(™) as Vi likes to call it.It's SPF but not as you know it. Ultra Violette is the leading collection of new gen sunscreen designed to protect your skin from the harmful effects of sun exposure and work with the rest of your skin care and makeup with ease. Forget everything you think you know about sunscreen because you've never seen anything like Vi before.